Just hit 30,000 miles on my set on my 02 Mountaineer.
Here is a quoted piece of feedback from one of my customers. I had to post this as it put a smile on my face.
Andy "Dear Mr. Wanie, You are a genius! I’m a skeptic. But I ordered both your servo fix solution back in May 2011. The order arrived way down in Florida in just a few days. Sure enough they are altered genuine Ford transmission servo pistons, first quality. It took me a few weeks to get up the courage to tackle the install but here is how it went. I studied what it would take to remove the exhaust on a 4 X 4 and I decided to definitely cut the crossover pipe at the center, removed heat shields and one bolt holding the exhaust finger-like mount from the transfer case. I pressure washed the area of the servo covers. I had to remove the oil filter. Installed the wood dowel against the cap. Used a bent 8" hemostat to remove the snap ring. Popped the cover with a few mallet taps. Removed the piston with tip of the hemostat in the hole. Cleaned the snap ring ridges with liquid wrench. Used synthetic grease on the new servo. Popped it in NOT all the way. Put the cap back on and used the wood dowel to drive the servo with cap into the seated position. I was careful to keep the dowel in position and not release pressure. I took the snap ring and with my dremmel and sanding disc to improve the curvature on the snap ring slots to handle the tips of my small 90 degree snap ring pliers. With three tries I compressed the ring and snapped it back into position. Bing Bang Boom. I then slugged a beer. Put back on the exhaust pipes with a 2 1/4" coupler hammered on to one side of the pipe exposing only 3/8" of the coupling. I had to use pipe expanders to do this. I was able to manuver the pipe back into place with the 3/8" of the coupling covering the other cut side of the crossover pipe. Did a band adjustment. Drove it to a muffler shop and they heated it up and centered the coupling and welded for $40. I AM A SKEPTIC NO MORE!! The tranny shifts like new. THANK YOU VERY MUCH DOC!" I machined up my second set of servos for a 5R55E transmission today. I will follow up on how they work out and if they go well, I will be adding those to the option list for purchase.
Working with my 1st 5R55N Jaguar with a gentleman from Minnesota. JAG does not have any cross reference information available for the servo part numbers. It is a 2002 and the part numbers are the same as a Lincoln LS. The OD parts are the same as the 5R55W explorer parts but the IM is much smaller. The owner ended up sending me his original and I machined it for him. For the 2002 LS and the JAG, There are two sizes of IM servos that I got the part numbers for from Ford.
The descriptions of the two parts are as follows: Piston, Intermediate Servo (Bonded)(3.505"OD Large Lip) (2.520"OD Small Lip) Piston, Intermediate Servo (Bonded) (3.505"OD) (2.820"OD Small Lip) Given this experience I would be able to track down fairly easy part numbers for Lincoln's and Jaguar's. Andy This is my 1st post on my site. For those of you lucky enough to find my site or my parts on ebay before you wasted all your money on more expensive fixes, good for you. For those of you who are on your 2nd or 3rd try fixing your transmissions, don't fear, a solution is near.
My main page basically says it all. The Ford 5R55W, 5R55S, and 5R55N are poor designs, and this site and part fix deals with the worn servo bore issue. I have had over 50 sets of these installed now with 100% success when properly diagnosed. Overall fairly easy to do and a heck of a lot better than dropping the tranny. Feel free to contact me with questions using the Contact Me tab. Thanks! Andy |
Andy WanieMy name is Andy and we have been selling this fix since February 2010. Lots of success with it I may add. It is working for almost 100% of the people who tried it. Feel free to comment on the blog and I will try to update it when I think there is something good to share.Please take our survey if you have used our product as the detail in it will help us serve our customers better. Archives
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